"Protect the Coven" was too macabre with killing scenes, cold-blooded torture and self-torture. Episode 12 of "American Horror Story-Coven" might push the boundaries of 'macabre' even further. This episode called "Go to Hell" is likely to finally reveal the next Supreme.

The spread of Fiona's terminal cancer is directly linked to the growing powers of the new Supreme. In "Go to Hell," she will become more and more desperate to find her successor so that she can destroy her and stop the spread of her cancer.

It is normal to wonder about the futility of a purpose when the end is near. Fiona will experience this moment. The spoilers of "Go to Hell" suggest that Fiona will wonder if it is better to give-up and enjoy the last, few days. It is highly doubtful if this deep, thoughtful moment would last long.

The focus of "Go to Hell" will be on the appointment of the new Supreme. It is almost time for the next Supreme to demonstrate her powers through 'Seven Wonders.' According to the spoilers of "Go to Hell,'' the Seven Wonders is a "dangerous ritual proving the Supreme's ability to master seven magical powers."

As the time approaches for the rise of the new Supreme, it looks like all the girls will demonstrate multiple, new powers. Papa Legba will return in the episode to see Queenie demonstrate her power to "descend into Hell, and to return."

In "Protect the Coven," Madam LaLaurie discovered there is no potion that can kill Marie. Her armor of immortality cannot be wished-away. Spalding said to Madam LaLaurie that Marie cannot die, but she can be made to disappear permanently. Ryan Murphy, co-creator of "American Horror Story," said to Entertainment Weekly that "Go to Hell" will address the rivalry between Madam LaLaurie and Marie.

"Marie cut Delphine into many, many parts and threatened to scatter her around the city" and Madam Lalaurie "does that same thing to Marie," Murphy said. Marie will be cut into pieces and her body parts will be dropped all across New Orleans. The co-creator noted Marie is still alive, but there is a possibility that her body parts will never become one again.

"Who can put this very glamorous Humpty Dumpty back together again?" Murphy asked. Queenie might be that person as she will confront Madam LaLaurie in "Go to Hell."

Cordelia plucked her eyes out in "Protect the Coven" to get her power of vision. She might get a vision of what her mother is up to. Meanwhile, Cordelia will also confront the Axeman, her mother's lover, with a hard truth.

Murphy said "Go to Hell" will also revolve around "Fiona and the Axeman and their deadly plan to kill everyone."

Also in "Go to Hell," multiple acts of vengeance will be carried out as more than one person will face the consequences of their actions. This "may bring about the rise of the new Supreme at last," according to the official synopsis of the episode.

Zoe will return to the academy in "Go to Hell," perhaps to claim the crown of the New Supreme. Misty will return, as well, from the coffin.

[Youtube/New Television Promos]