RECAP of "American Horror Story-Coven: "The Axeman Cometh": It is 1919, the witches of Salem decided to not cower but to put an end to the "Axeman," the jazz loving, dreaded murderer. The witches trick him inside their academy by not playing Jazz music -- he had promised to spare the inhabitants of the houses that play jazz - and then stab him multiple times before he could kill them with his axe.

In the present time, Zoe uses a spirit board to make contact with a spirit to know about Madison. Queenie warns Zoe that the spirit board has the power to make contact with the spirits but it can also release them. Fearing the consequences, Queenie and Nan decide not to contact the spirit. Zoe, adamant on finding Madison, makes the contact on her own. The Axeman who is trapped inside the walls of the academy directs Zoe to Madison's body on a condition -- to release him.

Zoe, however, reneges on her part of the deal. Queenie and Nan tie-up the Axeman to a chair. Zoe wants to know whether killed Madison. He confesses to killing Madison because it was his first time sex. Nan is reading his mind and says that he is telling the truth. However, Zoe does not think that Axeman killed Madison.

Zoe takes the body of Madison to Misty so that she could bright her back to life. Misty is able to bring back Madison to life after making her vomit out -- too much of dead that was inside her. Madison does not remember what had happened before she died. She only remembers colour red.

At the hospital, Fiona is undergoing her chemo session. She can hear the voices of people sitting around her. Fiona confesses to the doctor that she would like one final love in her life. Cordelia returns to the academy. Her blind status has provided her the power to see things which the normal eyes cannot see. The touch of her husband Hank makes her see his affair and when Fiona touches her, Cordelia sees that Myrtle was burned at the stake.

Hank visits Marie who tells him that he was supposed to "clean the house and not play house." She wants him to kill Fiona, her daughter and all the witches of the academy. Hank had already killed nine, white witches.

At the academy, Cordelia is locked inside her room, with the Axeman. It is the same room where the witches stabled him to death. He wants his release and attacks Cordelia. Zoe, Queenie and Nan hear the scream of Cordelia and they have no option but to release the Axeman. Zoe finds the right book of spells to release Axeman.

The Axeman walks out of the academy with his box, which has the axe. At a pub, he meets Fiona.