Episode 11 of "American Horror Story-Coven" opens with a flashback scene of LaLaurie. The year is 1830. One gets to see perhaps the beginning of LaLaurie's fascination with torturing black people. She first cuts off the head of a chicken and later, she gets busy putting blood marks on an injured black-man.

The present time: It is the funeral of Nan. Queenie arrives to the funeral, bringing LaLaurie along with her. LaLaurie's head has been re-attached to the body. However, she is now wearing a dog collar, the rope of which is in the hands of Queenie. Marie is not pleased to see LaLaurie, and she makes her the maid at the academy.

LaLaurie is morose and the cooking and cleaning work is making her unhappy. To make her soul happy, she reverts to her old, gruesome, wicked ways. The black house-help is tortured and put to death by LaLaurie. The spectre of Spalding watches her so called art-work and appears in front of her. Spalding tells her he will give her the potion that will make Marie mortal in exchange for a doll he wishes to have. LaLaurie brings the doll and Spalding gives her Benadryl tablets.

Zoe uses her witch powers to see how Nan died in the bath-tub. To her horror, she sees that both Fiona and Marie killed Nan. When Madison walks in the bathroom, Zoe does not tell her discovery and walks out from there, with Kyle. Madison is not happy being ignored. She is ready to give Kyle a blow-job in front of Zoe. Kyle pushes her away from him, as he loves Zoe. This makes Madison humiliated and furious. She screams: ""You think you can just throw me away for some junior varsity mallrat?" She uses her powers to cause a little storm in the room, with everything falling-down. Myrtle witnesses that and tells them to stop.

Queenie snubs Cordelia's attempt to have a talk. She tells her that she is still powerless and Nan's death proves that. Cordelia cannot do anything to protect the girls, Queenie tells Cordelia.

Cordelia sees truth in that accusation. She decides to sacrifice herself, plucking her eyes out. When Fiona wants to know why Cordelia chose to do so, Myrtle tells her that her daughter is what she can never be, a "hero."

Fiona and Marie meet Harrison and his men to discuss a truce. Harrison's man is amused that the two witches came-in, without any protective guards. Fiona reminds them that she destroyed their organisation using just her witch spells. She also mentions that Marie is immortal. The two witches, however, have not come without support. The Axeman, Fiona's lover, is also present in the room, wearing the dress of a waiter. He makes good use of his axe and kills all off Harrison's men. Fiona's takes the axe from him to kill Harrison.

Myrtle asks Zoe to run-away from the coven, with Kyle. She gives her the tickets to get out of the town. Zoe is hesitant and questions about the possiblity of her being the next Supreme. The hesitation does not last long when Kyle, not eager to leave to the academy, shows his demonic side. Zoe and Kyle get in a bus going to Orlando.

LaLaurie gives Marie a drink, which has tablets of Benadryl. When Marie looks drugged, LaLaurie puts a knife in her heart. But, Marie is still immortal and pulls the knife out of her chest. The potion to make Marie mortal, again, was a ruse of Spalding, as he wanted the doll. However, he helps LaLaurie when he hits the head of Marie, near the staircase. Marie rolls -down the stairs and becomes unconscious. Spalding tells LaLaurie that Marie cannot die but she can be put-away, indicating her burial.

After the bloodbath, Fiona goes to meet her lover-boy, the Axeman, to hail his achievement.