"American Horror Story-Coven" Episode 8, "The Sacred Taking," opens with a scene of a revolting Queenie hitting a homeless man. Zoe and Madison emerge from the shadows to tell Queenie that a new supreme is coming and things are changing, and that she needs to come back. But, Queenie has shifted her allegiance to the sect of voodoo. She gets busy killing the homeless man, and plucking his heart out. Marie had sent her to find a dark heart and the homeless man whome according to Queenie was a serial rapist. As a parting shot, Queenie warns Zoe and Madison about a war that is coming and that they are going to lose.

Fiona's terminal spinal cancer is killing her. The pain is excruciating and she is in absolute agony. The Axeman is the only person who is by her side, and he intends to be there till her end. They are acting like two teenagers in love. Delia wishes death upon her mother. She gathers her troops, Zoe, Nan and Madison, to put an end to Fiona's vicious reign and life.

Misty comes running to the Coven after a resurrected Myrtle appears in her shack. Delia happily welcomes her in the coven, and meets Myrtle. Myrtle suggests that Misty be made the new Supreme as she has brought back more people from the death than Jesus Christ. All the witches join to perform the ritual of a Sacred Taking. They now want Fiona to kill herself so that Misty can take her place as the new Supreme. Delia believes that a little push will do the trick.

Madison appears in front of Fiona and tells her that she has come back to life because she is the supreme. She gives Fiona two choices either die painfully at the stake or consume pills to die. Myrtle comes to Fiona's room to drive the point of taking her own life. Fiona resists as she has found love. Myrtle tells her that she will die alone, as the man will ditch her.

Fiona dresses-up, consumes the pills and sleeps on her bed to die. Spalding appears holding a potion and with words to drill sense into her. He tells her that she is being foolish and updates her on the plot to kill her. He tells her that a swampy witch is responsible for bringing Madison to life, and that she is being made the Supreme. Fiona pukes out the pills and joins the witches downstairs to meet the swampy witch who the antagonists want to make the supreme.

But, Misty is not there. She is at Luke's place. Nan had walked out of the academy in anger after no one agreed to make her the next supreme. She had gone to Luke's place. Luke's mother, Joan, had locked him in a closet because he is hobnobbing with the witches, and tells her that a witch saved his life. Nan had unlocked the closet and had freed Luke but before they could step out, Joan had caught them sneaking out. The firing from outside had killed Joan and Luke had received injury from the bullet. Fiona visits the house and finds Misty there. She asks Misty to bring Joan back to life to which she does.

Fiona and Delia bond. Delia is relieved that Fiona is alive as they need her at the time when witch slayers are back. A package is delivered and Fiona opens it to find the severed head of Delphine. She is still alive and says "Help!"

Zoe and Kyle express their love for each other, while a hurt and tearful Madison watches them doing that.