"American Horror Story-Coven" is fast approaching the season finale. In the upcoming episodes, Fiona's daughter, Cordelia, is all set to bring the girls together to stop her mother. Also, Cordelia's attacker will be revealed.

In the previous episode, "The Dead," Fiona and the Axeman start their sexually charged, creepy relationship. Delia finds out that it is Fiona who killed Madison. Despite being brought back to life, Kyle feels dead inside. Madison and Kyle share the brought back to life connection and are caught by Zoe having sex against a wardrobe. To Zoe, Delia tells that the Supreme must be killed. Delphine is trapped inside a cage. The preview of "The Sacred Taking" shows that Delphine asks Queenie to get her out of the cage as she is the one who put her inside it. Before Queenie can say something or do something, Marie comes there. Fiona will think of forming an alliance with Marie and to the Axeman, she can be seen telling in the preview clip: "stay alive just to spite them."


Jessica Lange has confirmed that she won't be returning for the fourth season of "American Horror Story." She said to Entertainment Weekly that "American Horror Story" is a commitment of six months, every year and this kind of long commitment she has not done for a long time.

"I want to have more time to myself I guess. Once it's over and I have a full year ahead of me with nothing to do, who knows? It might not have been the best decision. But I think four years doing something is a sufficient amount of time," Lange said.

The synopsis for "American Horror Story: Coven" season 3, episode 8 "The Sacred Taking": "Cordelia rallies the girls in the fight to stop Fiona while a dangerous new enemy puts Misty in the cross hairs. The rivalry between Marie Laveau and Delphine comes to a head."

The synopsis for "American Horror Story: Coven" season 3, episode 9 "Head": "Cordelia's attacker is revealed. Fiona looks to form an alliance with Marie Laveau. Nan learns a disturbing truth about Luke's past."

"The Sacred Taking" is scheduled to air on Dec. 4, 2013.