"Protect the Coven" is Episode 11 of "American Horror Story-Coven." In the previous episode, "Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks," Madison takes an evil route when she realises Misty is likely to become the next Supreme. She hits Misty's head, puts her unconscious body in a coffin and closes it. Nan kills Luke's mother and later Fiona and her new friend, Marie, throttle her to death in a bath tub. Marie's master, Papa Legba, takes Nan's soul with him, as part of a deal he has with Marie.

Fiona is desperate to find the next Supreme as her Cancer is growing, which indicates that the powers of the next Supreme are growing, as well. In episode 10, she lashes out at her daughter for bringing a viper [Hank] to their house, and uses witch strategy to cause the financial ruin of Hank's father.

Hank's father, Harrison, is not someone to sit idle and twiddle his thumbs while witches destroy his company and him. The Master Witch Hunter is going to strike back. It is witches Vs witch hunters in "Protect the Coven." According to the synopsis of the episode, "Fiona and Laveau have a deadly face off with The Corporation. Cordelia makes a desperate sacrifice to protect the Coven."

The sneak-peek of "Protect the Coven" shows the funeral of Nan. Fiona and Marie are telling other witches and Kyle that they are there to say goodbye to Nan, who fell in the tub. Zoe suspects foul-play. The Axeman is also in a mood to kill, according to the sneak peek. The spoilers of the episode reveal that Fiona and the Axeman will plan for their future.


The spoilers released for "Protect the Coven," suggests that the episode will open with flashback of Madame LaLaurie. She has newly arrived in New Orleans and "discovers her penchant for cruelty." "We learn more about Madame LaLaurie's past and present, as she finds her circumstances more and more intolerable. She returns to a horrifying pastime of old that will make the hours bearable for her again... and finds an unexpected ally and kindred spirit, who offers her a chance at getting the one thing she truly wants."

As the Coven is mourning the death of Nan, Cordelia is likely to discover more of her mother's toxic truths and murderous ways. She realises that her mother needs to be stopped. Cordelia will make a desperate sacrifice to attain the power, which will make her stop the enemies within and outside.

The spoilers reveal that Queenie is alive and Cordelia will try to win her over. However, Madison will interrupt the bonding time between the two. Meanwhile, "Myrtle gives Zoe an unexpected gift to help her and Kyle, though Zoe's not sure she wants it."

The "Protect the Coven" episode of American Horror Story: Coven is written by Jennifer Salt and Bradley Buecker has directed it.