"American Horror Story," one of the most exciting horror series, will be featuring the new "Coven Main Title" for its upcoming third season. The new series will have a creepy and terrifying storyline, showcasing themes relating to witchcraft, voodoo and the secret society. "Over 300 years have passed since the turbulent days of the Salem witch trials and those who managed to escape are now facing extinction," according to the introduction of the "American Horror Story- Coven."

[Source: Youtube.com/MrRPMurphyExclusive]

According to the FX synopsis of the first episode "Bitchcraft": "A young girl, Zoe, is shattered to discover she possesses a strange genetic affliction tracing back to the dark days of Salem. Zoe is whisked away to Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, a mysterious school in New Orleans devoted to safeguarding the few remaining descendants who share this unique bloodline. Harboring a secret agenda, Fiona Goode, the most powerful witch of their generation, returns to town, reigniting old rivalries with the Coven's deadly enemies, the Voodoo."

"American Horror Story-Coven" "Initiation" Promo

[Source: Youtube/theseat42f]

"American Horror Story -- Coven" ''School'' Promo

[Source: Youtube/TV Promos]

"American Horror Story - Coven" "Witch-Walk Promo

Taissa Farminga takes the role of Zoe, while Jessica Lange is witch Fiona and Sarah Paulson will be playing her daughter Cordelia. In addition, Danny Huston, Angela Bassett, Kathy Bates, Frances Conroy, Denis O'Hare, Lily Rabe, Gabourey Sidibe, Evan Peters are also part of the "American Horror Story - Coven" series.

The Season 3 of "American Horror - Coven" will premiere Oct. 9, 2013.