Ryan Murphy's beloved and highly-anticipated television series, "American Horror Story" Season Two is set for an October release. With only two months away, fans of the show are in hype to finally see the cast back on screen. A lot of promotional videos and photos have already made its way to the show's official Facebook page.

Fans are definitely excited for the much-anticipated release of "American Horror Story" Season 2. This time it's a big farewell from the Harmon house and hello to the Asylum. Murphy promises the new season is unlike any horror series to hit the screen. Even returning cast member, Jessica Lange says so.

The second season of Fox original series will take place at the Briarcliff mental institution well known in the year 1960's. Jessica Lange won't reprise her role as Evan Peter's mother but as a completely different character. Lange will be playing Sister Jude, the nun-administrator in charge of the "ill-fated" mental institution.

According to Entertainment Weekly, fans should not only expect ghosts and specters of the other world but a whole lot more scares. Expect to encounter Nazis, a serial killer called Bloody Face and even aliens. Murphy did say, "If you though last season was scary, wait till you enter the asylum."

Evan Peters will also return to the second season of the show and this time Murphy says Peters will be "the hero of the show." Fans of the blonde boy should also expect to see more of him in the second season taking place in the asylum.

Other notable actors from season one ready to come back in AHS Season two include Zachary Quinto, Sarah Paulson and Lily Rabe. Quinto is set to star as Dr. Thredson who clashes with Jessica Lange's personality on screen.

"Maroon 5's" Adam Levine also joins the second season as half of the lovers. Chloe Sevigny will be playing Levine's other half who will be sent away to the asylum due to her addiction to sex. Another well-known actor set to join the cast is James Cromwell who will be playing Dr. Arden, a Nazi who uses patients as test subjects in inhumane and grotesque procedures.