In Season 4 of "American Horror Story," which is subtitled "Freak Show," Sarah Paulson is playing a character who has two heads. The two heads are called Bette and Dot.

Paulson took to Twitter to reveal about the role, or roles, she is set to play in the upcoming season of the popular FX's horror anthology series. "So excited to be playing Bette AND Dot this season. Two heads are better than one!" the actress posted on her Twitter page and also posted a photo of her look -- two heads -- in the show.

So excited to be playing Bette AND Dot this season. Two heads are better than one! #AHSFREAKSHOW

— Sarah Paulson (@MsSarahPaulson) June 12, 2014

Paulson will be playing one of the performers who has been rescued by Jessica Lange's character. Lange is playing the role of a German ex-pat who is running one of the last freaks in Jupiter, Florida. The performers will do anything to keep the freak show in business. The fourth season of "American Horror Story" is set in 1950.

Talking about her initial reaction when she first read about her role in "American Horror Story" Season 4, Paulson said to E! Online, it can be summed-up in two words, "Holy s-t!" The actress feels that it is the "appropriate reaction you want when you read the first script of American Horror Story."

"So it's very exciting and totally nerve-wracking in the best way because you think, 'How the hell am I going to pull this off?!' And as an actor, I think that's an exciting thing to feel," Paulson said to E! Online.

After the Season 3 wrapped-up, Ryan Murphy, co-creator of "American Horror Story," had said that they want to keep the fourth edition lighter in tone, just like "Coven." Recently in an interview, he revealed that "Freak Show" is becoming darker in tone.

Paulson revealed to E! Online that "Freak Show" is turning out to be a "kind of beautiful hybrid between "Coven" and "Asylum."" This means "American Horror Story-Freak Show" will be both lighter and darker in tone.

"There's going to be a little bit of a richer and potentially darker tone the way Asylum had, but with the humour infused from Coven," Paulson said.