American Idol Season 11: Heejun Han Joins Voters’ Top 10, DeAndre Brackensick Saved
America Has Voted, Top 13 Revealed
It is official now: America, or at least American Idol voters, love Heejun Han!
His videos have not gone viral in vain. There will probably be more of "mostly water" quips, hilarious one-liners and funny faces from this New York-based Korean guy, who videotaped himself prior to Hollywood rounds saying his mother should probably not pack too much clothes because he was afraid it was just going to be a short trip. Now he knows there is a place for funny guys in Idol as long as they are taking the competition seriously. Jimmy Iovine will probably get that, too, eventually.
Knowing that she is so close to making it to the show's Top 13 probably helped Erika Van Pelt to m ake the judges believe she is no ordinary wedding singer and she is more than a singing mobile DJ.
From out-the-radar and out-of-screentime, Erika Van Pelt turned her fate around when she was saved by judge Randy Jackson for a chance to join this season's Top 13. She may have been too forgettable during the Idol ladies' night, but her take on Lady Gaga's Edge of Glory made just the impression she needed to convince the judges to let go of Jen Hirsch, who was - based on screentime and judges' comments - an obvious favorite during Hollywood week.
This list was not made with Erika Van Pelt in mind. She was forgettable and that is why she was unable to make it to the Top 10. The voters are pretty impressive this early in Season 11.
But the judges seemed pretty much determined to have Deandre Brackensick on the show for at least one more week. Steven Tyler picked him over Reed Grimm, who was also a clear favorite during Hollywood week, in which he tackled the same song that saved Deandre, "Georgia on My Mind," except Reed did not go for a falsetto show. He played the drums instead.
Stevie probably thought since both guys were not strong enough for the voters, why not choose the one who performs better in the live wildcard round? Reed chose "Use Me" by Bill Withers, and like fellow early favorite Jen Hirsch, his song choice failed to bring out the best in his vocals and entertainment power. And so in comes Deandre Brackensick to the Top 13.
Eben Franckewitz is a surprise in two ways - the tween voters were not able to secure a spot for him and the judges did not even pick him for a wildcard performance. This is quite a positive development on Idol. Here's hoping that Eben, who looks like a nice kid and who could have probably had a stronger chance than Jeremy Rosado had he only made a better song choice, had enough Idol exposure for producers to notice him and make his dreams come true through another avenue.
And so American Idol voters' impressive Top 10 are the following: Phillip Phillips, Jessica Sanchez, Hollie Cavanagh, Joshua Ledet, Heejun Han, Shannon Magrane, Skylar Laine, Elise Testone, Colton Dixon and wildcard Jermaine Jones.
The names are listed in the order of Ryan Seacrest's announcement in the show, but could it be the actual voting rank?
The judges, who were each given a chance to save their choice following another live performance picked the following to join this season's Top 13: Erika Van Pelt, Jeremy Rosado and DeAndre Brackensick.
Other contestants who got chosen to sing for a wildcard slot but failed to impress the judges were: Brielle Von Hugel, and two Hollywood week favorites Jen Hirsch and Reed Grimm.
Next week, the Top 13 tackles Stevie Wonder and Whitney Houston songs on American Idol.