An American teenager is feeling the heat on the Internet after he posed a video online that shows him kicking a kitten off his porch. Walter Easley from South Carolina has been named the Vine Kitten Kicker, and has unwittingly sparked an online revenge campaign against him.

On July 28, 2013, Easley uploaded a six-second video on the video-sharing Web site the Vine, but it was largely unnoticed until August 11 when someone has posted a link to his video on Reddit and 4Chan.

In the video, the teenager is seen kicking a cat off his porch and into his yard. The kitten appeared unharmed as it stood up immediately after landing on the grass.

People were understandably furious with the video, calling Easley cruel and inhuman. Rather unfortunate and perhaps uncalled for, there are also those who threatened his life and unleashed racial verbal abuse towards him.

Some Netizens even took it to the next level and researched and released Easley’s personal information, including his home address and Google Maps screenshots of his residence, which prompted moderators of both Reddit and 4Chan to delete all comments.

Easley also deleted the video on Vine, but he still managed to taunt his critics by posting a response on his Twitter page:

“Lol now I got somthing to laugh at all day,” (sic) he wrote. His Twitter has been switched to private since.

Not only did he mocked his detractors, he also posted another video on the Web site, in which he could be seen threatening to kick another cat. The clip was also taken down.

“To kick a cat you have to be a messed up person but to post it to vine like it’s funny, probably prompting other idiots to do the same thing, is unforgivable. This guy deserves whatever is coming to him,” a commenter posted on Reddit, as shared by the Daily Dot.

A petition filed at was also posted by one viewer, calling for the Humane Society of South Carolina to bring Easley to jusice.

“Please bring this scum to justice,” the petition reads. “Part of me is glad he posted that original Vine, it makes finding creatures like him a lot easier. I’m even gladder he’s dumb enough to publicly post what shate he’s in!”

The petition currently has 675 signatures. It is aiming for 10,000 signatures.

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