They can’t refute their already negative reputation so they might as well capitalise on it. Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, the infamous owners of the Scottsdale, Arizona restaurant Amy’s Baking Company, want to star in their own reality show. And it looks like that they already have several offers.

After their disastrous appearance on the U.S. Fox TV show “Kitchen Nightmares” with celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, the Bouzaglos think that starring in their own reality TV programme can help flailing business to survive.

They are apparently entertaining several offers from production companies, hoping that they would be able to sign the best deal, according to

“Right now Cineflex is the most serious production company trying to secure Amy and Samy. They want to develop a show around their restaurant and their bad behaviour,” according to the Web site’s source.

“Amy and Samy are all for it because they feel like it’s the only way to keep their restaurant open.”

The couple won’t sign yet, however, until they see all offers on the table.

“But no doubt, you will be seeing Amy and Samy on TV again sometime in the future. They need to generate money and publicity to keep their business going, otherwise customers just dropping in because of their Kitchen Nightmares appearance will fizzle and their restaurant will go under.”

Amy and Samy didn’t have a good reputation as restaurateurs to begin with. They had overwhelming negative reviews on YELP and on their Facebook page so they signed up with Fox to appear on Ramsay’s programme. They needed a world-class chef to disprove the negative reviews that they got.

But their appearance on the show only aggravated their reputation. They managed to anger not only Ramsay on the show, but also its millions of viewers around the world. Viewers saw how they cheated their food servers of tips, yelled at customers who complained about their food, called cops on customers who asked what’s taking their orders long, fired an employee for daring to ask Amy a question, and insulted Ramsay after he criticised Amy’s cooking and their service.

It did not help that Amy and Samy attacked their critics online, calling posters on Facebook and YELP vile names and threatening to call the cops on them. They later claimed that their page was hacked.

To help clean up their image, their hired a PR firm, which told them to stage a grand re-launching week of their restaurant. However, according to various reports, the week was met with little fanfare, contrary to the claim of their PR firm that they had received thousands of reservations.

Watch the full episode of the Bouzaglos’ appearance on Kitchen Nightmares: