Avid fans of the Spider-man comics may have predicted the fate that had befallen Emma Stone's character, Gwen Stacey in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2." For those who have not yet seen the film, it's time to stop now as there will be spoilers ahead.

Much like Stacy did in the comic book series, she falls also eventually faces her inevitable fate in the movie. Gwen Stacy falls to her death in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" as depicted in "Amazing Spider-Man #121" the comic book which came out over four decades ago.

The success of the first "The Amazing Spider-Man" film and the attention garnered by the on-screen and off-screen chemistry of Stone and leading man Andrew Garfield has led people to hope that perhaps Stacy will not be killed off. Many younger fans that are unfamiliar with the comic book story line were also in shock.

"I've poked my head into theatres in L.A. for that moment just to hear people gasp. it's fascinating. People just don't believe it," says director Marc Webb.

"It stayed with me in a profound way. It broke me. I was anxious and curious to explore it on the screen. From the very beginning I planned on doing it. For me, everything in the movie was built around that moment. There's a cost to being a hero," adds Webb.

Webb confirms that there will be a third instalment to the popular franchise. "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" did better at the box office than the first film in the reboot series compared to the dip experienced by the second "Spider-Man" film in the trilogy directed by Sam Raimi. Losing the leading lady and half of a very beloved pair leaves Andrew Garfield and Peter Parker alone to deal with his loss in the third film.

"It's going to be really difficult for Peter Parker to move forward," says Webb. "But that's the challenge of it: How do you recover from that? That's going to play out in the next movie."

"I'm utterly aware of the consequences for us," Webb says. "Emma is beloved, and that relationship is the heart of these movies. But that's also why we couldn't shy away from that. It has to have impact. It has to shock you. It has to be devastating. Anything else would be undermining the truth of it."