Android 4.3 Jelly Bean keeps spilling out with suspicion to run Nexus 4 LTE and Nexus 7 as Google continues to bake Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie while Apple keeps on standing still and continues the development of iOS 7 with the complete overhaul of the system. Did Android Jelly Bean delay Apple's innovation?

iOS 7 is expected to have a complete change especially in UI from the previous generation to compete with the latest technology and features offered by Google for Android.

Android's update to Jelly Bean did not only bring major bug fixes and system improvements but also delivers unique features well-thought by Google. Android Jelly Bean is a huge success compared to Ice Cream Sandwich and similar to what Gingerbread achieved back in days. Now the world is shifting their Android versions to at least Ice Cream Sandwich while high-end devices must run Android Jelly Bean to give its owners one-of-a-kind experience.

Android Jelly Bean vs. iOS 7

Starting from Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, owners with devices running this OS version can now enjoy Google Now which acts better than voice search, generate cards for weather, traffic or transit and answer questions by using Google Search.

Another benefit from Android Jelly Bean version is the Project Butter which makes the UI smoother and more responsive. Project Butter can also be added to existing UI definitions such as TouchWiz or Optimus. This feature is standalone and any device running Jelly Bean version will get unique UI experience that is fluid and smooth.

For iOS 7 to win against Android OS in their current state, the next generation iOS must have both new and unique features that are very useful not found on Android in order to capture the lost flag of the smartphone battle.

iOS Must Choose Which Path, Wisely

For several years, iOS has been locked inside its own environment as a "closed system" and Android broke the tradition by creating an "open source" system for developers to join in and exploit their talents.

Now, iOS no longer exists as "closed system" and Google has begun introducing their services inside Apple's territory. Google Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps and Google Now are available in the iStore and iOS users can depend on them just like Android users can. It wouldn't be a surprise if Apple becomes "Androidified" one day.

iOS 7 Ready for Come Back

Apple is now in heavy pressure to create a better iOS version under short notice. Android keeps hammering all corners of the tech world, consuming everything in its path with two choices - either join or be destroyed.

"Apple is really tremendous pressure to come out with something different and something new. Jonathan Ive has a tremendous sense of design and he's been the guru behind a lot of these enormously successful products, but he's always had someone like Steve Jobs to push back on him and give him some guidance, and its' not clear that Tim Cook is capable of playing that role. Maybe without a collaborator, he is not as strong," said by Greg Sterling, analyst at Opus Research noted by Bloomberg.

Reports of Apple delaying iOS 7 release is due to complete revamp of the entire operating system design. It is expected date Apple will release their new devices later this year with a comeback to take back the lead from Android OS.