The iOS has obtained exclusivity of the virtual assistant SIRI and gained remarkable scores and comments from users and critics. It has made iOS smartphones unique against the Android devices by defining the meaning of intelligence. However, the virtual assistant is still in development for best usage in a lot of countries.

In fact, the Philippine spoof of the virtual assistant called Ate Vangie has so far reached a few million hits and spawned several versions after it made light of the inability of Siri to understand other languages, accent and find locations outside the U.S.

Siri originally researched by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) before its real inception as Siri. In 2007, Dag Kittlaus, Adam Cheyer, and Tom Grubber founded the Siri system itself. iPhone gained solo development in the virtual assistant system leading BlackBerry while denying Android rights to obtain the same application.

iPhone units have gained a lot of spotlight in this for quite a while but Android won't be sitting down and watching the battle to turn in favor of the iOS. In response to Siri, Android gained a similar program and made another try out versus the famous Siri with The Dragon Go! by Nuance Communications.

The Dragon Go for Android

It is a revolutionary mobile application that hears what the speaker says, understands the intent and delivers the results within seconds. It features smart natural language understanding functionality that knows what the speaker wants simply by how he said it.

Dragon Go provides direct access to more than 200 of the most recognised destinations on the Mobile Web ranging from mobile entertainment and streaming media, social networking, shopping, and every other online content need with a simple command based on the voice of the speaker. Access includes Spotify, Yelp, Youtube,,, ESPN, Facebook,, Pandora, Rotten Tomatoes, Twitter, Wikipedia, and Yahoo!

Dragon Go features as well the dynamic Dragon Carousel which delivers complementary results that enables the user to slide along the carousel and compare information across the most relevant sides for requests. Dragon Go not only finds intent but also adds something more needed as well as others that relates to the intent.

The application does not only accept voice, but also text if the phone owner is stuck in place or scenario inconvenient to speak. The results given to the voice search are the same exact results for the text in function.

Other features of the Dragon Go includes no endless blue link options that allows the owner to go direct to the best mobile Web sites, no boundaries ranging from shopping, music request, finding local establishments, movie times, and others, and easier sharing through pop-up toolbar that enables direct link to share across Skype, email, text messaging and social media.

For now the Dragon Go is available on certain Android devices with version 2.1 or higher, and Android Market may be developing selections for this application.