Andy Roddick took on Twilight fans in a recent interview, fending off questions lifted directly from Twitter. The Tennis star said he got vicious responses from Twilight fans when he tweeted that he was with Team Jacob.

"The Twilight fans? You can't mess with them. You can't joke about anything," Roddick tells ESPN columnist Laura Lane.

Andy Roddick explained that he thought that it was "pretty funny" how Twilight fans the Team Edward vs. Team Jacob contest, so he tweeted that "Team Jacob. Everybody knows. No need for a press conference."

Roddick said he got some vicious response and there was a little bit of backlash against him because of that tweet.

"I thought that was pretty funny so I threw it out there. I got some vicious responses," Roddick said. "[Twilight fans] are really into it. Oh my Lord! They just get real serious and like offended that you're on one of the vampires versus the other one or werewolf or whatever. It was pretty funny. There was a little bit of backlash."

But Twilight hooliganism is yet to turn violent, as the verbal exchange remained confined in Twitter. Team Jacob roots for Taylor Lautner-Kristen Stewart tandem while Team Edward supports a Robert Pattinson-Kristen Stewart tandem.

In the movies, Taylor Lautner plays werewolf Jacob Black while Robert Pattinson portrays vampire Edward Cullen. It is long known that Kristen's character Bella Swan will end up with vampire Edward Cullen in the book, but Team Jacob-Team Edward clash remains intense among fans.

The series is predicted to remain popular for the next three years, and is credited for starting the vampire trend invading Hollywood.