Angelina Jolie
Actress and campaigner Angelina Jolie arrives at a summit to end sexual violence in conflict, at the Excel centre in London June 13, 2014. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor Reuters

Angelina Jolie was painfully thin and troubled in a newly surfaced, never-before-seen video allegedly taken by her drug dealer in her unkempt New York City apartment.

The nearly 17-minute video obtained by was apparently shot not long after she won a Golden Globe Award for her performance as “Gia” in 1999.

Her drug dealer at that time, Franklin Meyer, claimed that he delivered cocaine and heroin to the then-emerging star in the late 90s, and videotaped the scene before him during one of his visits.

A blonde Jolie can be heard talking to another person on the phone, who was apparently her father Jon Voight. She appeared restless, pacing the room of her apartment as she poured out her feelings to her father.

And although she’s one of the highest paid actresses these days, back then she only had a couple of films under her belt. She seemed to be worried about her future finances, saying she might not earn enough to support other people.

“You know, it’s just the idea of trying to get a house or a room for everybody is just not necessary,” she told the other person on the phone at the start of the clip.

“But it’s, you know, whatever that house… I said once, well, ‘what if I stop working?’ She’s like telling me to relax… But I said, ‘what if I don’t work for you, what if I don’t make that much money? And you stay in an apartment until I make more money so that you can get a bigger house? What if something happens to me? What if I don’t work?’”

She continued, “I just want for her to be able to… You know, I don’t want this to ruin our relationship. And I don’t want it to be this thing where we go out to do something or go to dinner or go shopping or her coming to visit and not buying something for herself.

“And I said to her, you know, we have to remind ourselves sometimes when we come to your place we talk about… this concept… we’re all in this place, and it’s very hard for us to think about getting a house or these cars… when you have no new clothes or that you have holes…”

It’s unclear whom was she referring to, but it could perhaps be her mum, Marcheline Bertrand, whom she was very close before Bertrand’s death in 2007.

Based on the one-sided conversation that can be heard in the video, Jolie was worried that her self-sacrificing mum would keep on putting her children’s needs before her own when there’s no need.

At one point she talked about Jamie, whom she said could buy his own things himself without his parents pitching in. Jamie was perhaps James Haven, her brother.

The camera mainly followed Jolie as she paced about the room, though it can be seen documenting the environment as well, allowing viewers to see Jolie’s cluttered stuff.

The Web site claims the footage is “stomach-turning,” though there was nothing incriminating about the video. If anything, the video shows Jolie as a woman in her mid-20s who was worried about the people around her and unsure about her abilities.

Fortunately, Jolie has overcome her insecurities, and now raises six children with her partner Brad Pitt. She not only has a string of critically and commercially acclaimed films in her CV, she is also highly involved in humanitarian causes.

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Jolie has always been open about her wild child past. In another video that surfaced years ago, Jolie is seen talking about a variety of topics, including BDSM and her rabbit pet as a child. According to reports, she was high on drugs at that time.