Indiana Jones could be returning to the big screens one last time, as evidenced by Steven Spielberg's remarks about making a fifth film.

A previous interview with the acclaimed director seemed to have put the blame for "Crystal Skull's" insane ending on partner George Lucas. He stressed that the "alien" twist at the end was all Lucas and he too didn't like it.

However, a more recent statement by "The Adventures of Tintin" director, as published by Entertainment Weekly, somehow clears up those issues albeit altering his stand on the aliens as Lucas' idea.

"I'm really proud of the movie," said Spielberg.

"I loved bringing Marion back. I love the fact that Indy now has a son. It's a family action film, and I love that whole concept," added the director.

The director went on to downplay the issues about their clash of "genre" and "concept", which he admitted was very publicized, for he still told Lucas' stories. Nevertheless, he was still allowed to suggest something, such as adding Indy's father on the third installment, which he considers as his "biggest contribution".

"That was my idea, to cast Sean Connery as Harrison's father," he shares.

However, Steven Spielberg is, well, Steven Spielberg, and he does have a right to put up a fight when it comes to ideas and execution.

"I'll fight things I don't believe in but ultimately if George wants to bring inter-dimensional beings into 'Crystal Skull,' I will do the best job I possibly can to acquit George's idea and make him proud."

Naturally, the decision in greenlighting a fifth movie will be also entirely up to Lucas as well.

"It's up to George," said Spielberg when asked about another installment. "We have already agreed on the genre of the fifth movie, we already have a concept in mind. I don't know where George is with the story. There is no Indy 5 until George says there is."

Whether there is one or not, we hope for no further animosity between these two. They're both great in their own ways!