Celebrities may be celebrities but that doesn't keep the paparazzi from harassing them and their children. Just recently, stars have pushed the anti-paparazzi bill that was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. The Anti-Paparazzi bill was made into a law under Senate Bill 606.

The law will take effect on January 1, 2014; will take harassment on children or minors that have been singled out due to their parent's work or profession, which includes celebrities, politicians, actors, singers, famous actors and reality TV stars, will find themselves facing a year of jail time. Paparazzi's used to face a term of 6 months in jail but this has been raised to a year with fines for violations coming in at $10,000 for the first attempt and violation, second violation with $20,000 and third violation with $30,000.

The term "harassment" has been defined for it to be clear to any paparazzi that would want to stalk children and minors of those mentioned above: "conduct in the course of the actual or attempted recording of children's images and/or voices, without express parental consent, by following their activities or lying in wait."

The term has also been clarified to:"transmitting, publishing or broadcasting a child's image and/or voice does not constitute a violation" unless these paparazzi act in a stalking and aggressive manner.

The "The Call" actress and star has stated that it was a relief for her and other stars when the Bill was turned into a law.

"I started this fight with a great deal of hope and a bit of uncertainty so I cannot express my immense gratitude that Governor Brown has recognized, and acted to remedy, the plight of children who are tormented because of the identity or prominence of their parents. On behalf of my children, it is my hope that this is the beginning of the end for those overly aggressive paparazzi whose outrageous conduct has caused so much trauma and emotional distress. This started as just a hope and a wish for my daughter. I never thought that I could take it this far and find such amazing partners along the way".

The star had also said that she wishes this would be a law that would help other celebrity children.

"It is for all of us that I rejoice today and hope that this fight will continue and that the proper enforcement of this law will truly make a positive impact on the daily lives of all children."

She will get in touch with others that are working with the law to make sure that this is strictly imposed. The star can then be sure that her new born son would be able to play freely without being stalked and aggressive photographed by paparazzi.