Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ASX:ANZ) issued debt worth $3 billion in a three-part sale, according to IFR, a Thomson Reuters News Service.

The bank issued $1 billion three-year notes, $1 billion 10-year bonds and $1 billion three-year floating rate notes, IFR said.

The size of the deal has been increased from an originally planned $2.75 billion.

The three-year floating rate notes were priced at three-month LIBOR LIBO plus 74 basis points.

The 2.125 percent three-year fixed rate notes were priced at 99.954 to yield 2.141 percent, or 102 basis points, over comparable Treasuries. The 4.625 percent 10-year bonds were priced at 99.757 to yield 4.906 percent or 145 basis points over comparable Treasuries.

ANZ, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Citi are jointly managing the issue

ANZ recorded a profit of $4.5 billion in the year to September 30, 2010.

With Reuters