Is Apple's (AAPL) iPhone finally penetrating through in China in November 2013? Speculators are getting anxious over the idea based from the latest advert that China Mobile, the world's largest mobile carrier, placed on its Web site.

China Mobile's banner advert on its Web site now shows a cartoon tornado, with the words "invasion of 4G." It likewise highlighted the dates "November 9-11" (, which is actually known as Singles' Day in China, the country's busiest shopping day of the year.

The banner will then link to a page that showcases images of smartphones which very much resemble Apple's (AAPL) iPhones. It bears the caption: "Special discounts for new handsets? The newest? The biggest discounts?"

However, Tim Worstall, a contributor to, debunks the idea of an immediate Apple (AAPL) iPhone penetration in the world's second largest economy through China Mobile. At least not anytime so soon.

"My sources tell me that China Mobile's 4G network isn't going to be operative until April, at least that's the most recent date that they had heard. Even then it's only going to be in Beijing and Shanghai at that date."

Read: Apple (AAPL) Targets China's Outskirts, Wants Better Sales of iPhone, iPad in 2014

Although it is always highly probable that technology can be ordered fast-tracked, "the limitation is really how much money China Mobile is willing to firehose at rolling it out."

China Mobile boasts of a 700-million strong customer base. Capturing this would enable Apple (AAPL) to boost its iPhone sales in 2014 by more than 38 million, according to forecaster ISI Group. Not only that, it would likewise make the California-based company's stock highly sought-after based on that projection.

Mr Worstall, however, without dousing hopes, said China Mobile's 4G announcement "wouldn't have much effect on Apple (AAPL) until the third quarter this financial year."

Read: China Among Initial Target Markets Apple Plans to Launch iPad Air on Nov. 1

Still, it will just be a matter of time for Apple (AAPL). For one, Chinese authorities have approved the latest Apple (AAPL) iPhones, 5S and 5C, for use on their networks.