Apple has reportedly acquired PrimeSense, the Israeli fabless semiconductor company behind Microsoft Xbox Kinect Sensor, for $345 million. Israeli financial news Web site Calcalist reported that Apple has already finalized the acquisition, with plans for an announcement within the next two weeks.

However, a company representative dismissed the report as rumor by saying, "PrimeSense is the leading 3D technology in the market. We are focused on building a prosperous company while bringing 3D sensing and Natural Interaction to the mass market in a variety of markets such as interactive living room and mobile devices. We do not comment on what any of our partners, customers, or potential customers are doing and we do not relate to rumors or recycled rumors."

The Israeli company worked with Microsoft to include its chips, designs and technology inside the first Kinect sensor for the Xbox 360. However, Microsoft chose to create its latest Xbox One Kinect sensor without PrimeSense. These changes made by Microsoft led PrimeSense to focus on robotics, healthcare industries and retail alongside living room tech and gaming.

The rumors about the acquisition of PrimeSense by Apple started from Calcalist earlier this year. The newspaper then reported that Apple offered $280 million to buy the 3D-sensor specialist. If these reports were accurate, then Apple has already purchased the company twice. Moreover, in January 2012, Apple revealed that it had acquired Anobit, a flash storage company for $400 million.

It is no secret why Apple is so attracted to the company for it to offer $345 million. The Israeli company is behind the 3D-scanning technology that is used in more than 200 million devices all over the globe. Their technology has been used in sensors that are embedded in tablets and smartphones.

Coincidentally, the persistent rumors about the Apple TV suggests that it is now planned for 2015 that may play a significant role with the acquisition of PrimeSense. PrimeSense's technology might be used in an Apple living room push, smartphone devices or even a tablet in the future.

In the past, Apple already acquired companies wherein its technology was integrated into its new products. Last year, Apple acquired Authentec, a security hardware company before the release of its latest iPhone 5s with fingerprint sensor in September. As such, we could be seeing the Apple TV or other iDevices in the future sporting a Kinect-like motion sensing technology.