Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook shattered the Google Glass as having a limited appeal, but hinted at the same time the Cupertino-based firm will soon release a wearable technology.

His belittling the product of a competitor could be Mr Cook's way of assuring Apple shareholders that the company could still recover amid Samsung gaining a larger share of the smartphone market and Apple's profit fell for the first time in 10 years.

While techies are waiting for the iPhone 5S, Mr Cook said that Apple would soon new products and one of them would be wearable computers.

"It's an area where it's ripe for exploration ... It's ripe for us all getting excited about. I think there will be tons of companies playing in this," he said at the All Things Digital Conference on Wednesday in California.

In the first quarter of 2013, Apple's profit fell to $9.5 billion from $11.6 billion, which disappointed investors but better than analysts' expectations since Apple's revenue hit $43.6 billion from 37.4 million iPhones and 19.5 million iPads globally for the first three months of 2013.

Asked to comment on Google Glass, Mr Cook said, "There are some positives in the product. It's probably likely to appeal to certain markets. The likelihood that it has broad appeal is hard to see."

"I'm interested in a great product. I wear glasses because I have to. I don't know a lot of people who wear them because they don't have to," he added.

His hint of a wearable device further fueled speculations about an iWatch, especially when he said, "If we asked a room of 20-year-olds to stand up if they're wearing a watch, I don't think anyone would stand up."