Apple has delayed the start of construction work for its spaceship-inspired second campus because of the escalating cost. Bloomberg Businessweek reports that the cost has ballooned to $5 billion.

The California-based tech firm is reportedly working with the lead architect, Foster + Partners, to reduce by at least $1 billion the cost of the project.

Apple initially targeted moving employees to the second edifice by 2015 but because of the cost blowout, it delayed the start of construction to 2014 and move-in to 2016.

The planned new headquarters features a big circle or doughnut-shaped structure consisting of four floors spread in 2.8 million square feet. Once completed, the new campus is estimated to house 14,200 employees from the current offices which house 2,800 people.

Artinfo said that the building design was by deceased Apple co-founder Steve Jobs who prescribed the perfect circle for employees of the tech firm. The Web site pointed out that while the building appears pretty sexy from an aerial perspective, it warned that Apple "might end up alienating occupants with its circuitous circulation."

The unique shape and design of the upcoming second campus has inspired creative minds such as to come up with an explanation behind the circular shaped building and things that would happen inside.