Apple, HTC and Samsung have been battling it out in tech manufacturing for quite some time now. According to Digitimes, the competition may no longer be just on which company can produce the lightest and fastest devices. Rumor has it that the three companies are looking into developing liquid-cooled phones.

Just last May, the NEC Medias X 06 E was introduced in Japan. The phone features a liquid cooling system similar to the one used in ultrabooks. The phone's pipes measure only less than a millimeter. The release of the NEC Media X 06 spawned interest among tech manufacturers to venture into the same thing.

Additionally, the NEC Media phone proved to the market that liquid cooling is possible on smartphones. Apple is not going to let that one pass up. Liquid cooling is more efficient and effective than what smartphones use these days. Graphite radiators cannot provide the same optimal results are liquid coolers.

However, companies like Apple, HTC and Samsung are still looking into addressing the drawbacks of the system. Unlike graphic radiators, liquid cooling systems are challenging or demanding to maintain. They work well for ultrabooks but compacting them in mobile devices does not pose sure results.

Any leaks in the cooling system can mean the end for the device. Mobile phones or smartphones are more prone to leakage because of the extent of usage and construction. The processing power of smartphones increases by the day thus the importance of getting a more efficient and better cooling system.

Liquid cooling systems is becoming preferable option especially for sustaining the life and power of smartphones. It is safe to assume Samsung, Apple and HTC are already considering the inclusion of this system to their devices. As Intel works on developing a faster chip for mobile phones, liquid cooling is fast becoming the better alternative.