Apple Inc's iPad sales in Australia is challenged by cheaper tablets running on Google's Android operating system as tablet sales in the country doubled in 2013. According to a new study, the less expensive Android tablets are slowly gaining on Apple in Australia.

Technology firm Telsyte has released data from a study which revealed that 4.8 million tablet computers were sold in Australia in 2013. The firm estimates that this translates to 9.4 million Australians owing and using tablets. According to Telsyte's study, the tablet market in Australia was worth $2.4 billion in 2013.

Telsyte predicted that Australian tablet users would increase to 22 million by end of 2018. By the middle of 2015, the firm estimates that the number of Australian tablet users would exceed the number of users for laptops and desktops.

Apple Inc's tablet sale in Australia increased by 52 per cent or by 2.6 million units in 2013. However, the rapid sales growth of Android tablets indicates that the iPad sales growth may be slowing down.

The most popular Android tablet brand is Samsung, but Telsyte said the Korean electronics giant does not lead in the local market but other low-cost devices such as the Google Nexus. The Nexus tablets were reportedly a success in the market.

Despite the introduction of the iPad Air and the iPad mini with retina display, Apple Inc's market share had dropped to 55 per cent in 2013 from 72 per cent in 2012.

Telsyte also found that Australians used their tablets more often for media consumption compared to their smartphones.

In contrast with Australia, Apple's iOS continues to rule in North America. The iPhone and iPad maker is increasing its iOS market share in North America with 65 per cent using Apple devices to connect to the Internet. Using ad impressions in North American between February 26 and March 4, Chitika Insights was able to measure how many people use Apple's iOS compared with Android.

When Apple Inc launched the iPhone 5, iPad mini and iPad 4 in September and November, Apple's iOS increased its share into the high 60 per cent. When Samsung released its Galaxy S3, Android's OS share was as high as 40 per cent.