Apple's iPhone 5S, according to KGI Securities, will come out by Q3 2013 sporting the A7 28 nanometre chip architecture. While the forecast is not pointing to a sure-fire iPhone release, it should be interesting to pit the likely specs of the refreshed iPhone against Google's flagship smartphone, the Nexus 4.

Processing prowess

A7 is 64-bit computing, which also makes for speedy and energy-efficient computing rendition on mobile devices. This technology is reportedly lined up for Apple devices by 2014 but KGI claimed we'll get a taste of what it's like later this year.

The iPhone 5 on A6 was packed with a dual-core 1.2GHz processor, a three-core GPU and a 1GB RAM fuelling its operations. The A7 on iPhone 5S is definitely additional testosterone regardless if the upcoming handset will retain the current specs or will get a slight kick up.

Compared to the Nexus 4, which boasts of a quad-core 1.5GHz Snapdragon, an Adreno 320 GPU and 2GB of RAM, the iPhone 5S is in for a tough competition in proving which is snappier or more importantly, which phone will perform and get the high marks when subjected to real-world settings.

Platform edge

Nexus 4 is presently on Android JellyBean 4.2.2, which already is a source of satisfaction for hordes of Android fans. Count with them the converts from the Apple environment, many testifying that with Nexus 4 the Google experience has reached unprecedented heights in terms of gadget and apps integration plus overall functionalities.

Google has indicated that the next Android serving, the Key Lime Pie, will roll out beginning May or June this year. Among the most anticipated features of the new OS are improved multiple device support, enhanced social network functions and better gadget navigation/control.

On the other hand, KGI is silent on what platform will govern the iPhone 5S right out of the box. It is likely though that Apple will still offer iOS 6 with the slightly updated smartphone, which analysts said could prove a letdown for many wanting to get the Apple platform woes behind them.

Having iOS 7 by launch time should be an added attraction for Apple's iPhone 5S thrust, which should reflect much of the corrections in iOS 6 that experts said are begging for immediate attention.

Overall impact

These two handsets are capable of delivering the goods. Both are top-notch communication tools with access to high-speed internet networks. Users of iPhone 5 were also satisfied with its multimedia and entertainment functions, which are only expected to be retained or improved on the iPhone 5S.

The same goes with the Nexus 4, loved by its owners for its expanded capabilities thanks mostly to its high calibre hardware attributes and the vast options readily available on Google Play store's more than 750,000 apps collection. The same hefty privileges are also in App Store, leaving the scuffle between the two smartphones in near-deadlock.

Which is cheaper to buy and own?

Starting price for an unlocked iPhone 5S will start at $US600, KGI said, but this cash set back is expected to increase in the process of fully enjoying the handset and its attached ecosystem plus the cost of availing a network plan. Some experts suggest that even when subsidised by service providers, using iPhone is not exactly the best economic option.

Google's Nexus 4, meanwhile, is available for as low as $US299 for one-off purchase payment and since the internet giant had intended the smartphone for 'freelance' distribution, meaning it has no specific network affiliation. Users will have the last say on how much they're willing to spend in the process of enjoying the Nexus 4.

So which do you think between iPhone 5S and Nexus 4 offers the better prospect of offering a full smartphone experience?