Apple Inc.'s iPad has lost to Samsung Electronics in a tablet competitive assessment study. Results indicated iPad is no longer the most dominant tablet in the market.

According to ABI Research, Samsung has dominated Apple's iPad for the second consecutive year. The research company evaluated 23 of the market's top tablet vendors, including Apple and Samsung, and used a "vendor matrix" to rank each tablet based on different criteria. In the previous year, Samsung was at the top of the list. But analysts said the survey results did not mean Samsung tablets were better than Apple.

When taking shipment volume into consideration, Apple remains the dominant market leader. In a recent survey, Apple ranked second in innovation but it emerged as the leader when it comes to implementation strategy.

In 2013, Apple was the leading tablet vendor based on the number of units shipped at 45 percent. Samsung recorded a 23 percent shipment volume behind Apple.

ABI Research said despite the praises received by Samsung from industry research companies, the South Korean company lagged behind Apple.

Samsung and Apple are not the only tablet vendors in the market that have seen growth. Lenovo challenges its current market position as it continues to expand by targeting a larger audience.

According to Research Analyst Stephanie Van Vactor, Samsung and Apple continue to maintain a strong lead over other tablet makers. But she said competition is "heating up" with a drastic change expected by next year.

Vactor stressed price and value may come into play and become strong criteria for consumers to consider before buying or upgrading their tablets.

In May, Apple's iPad has reigned supreme in a study on tablet satisfaction by research firm J.D. Power. iPad was ranked the highest overall followed by Samsung.

Other tablet makers like Asus, Amazon and Acer fell below the study's average. According to J.D. Power, Apple ranked the highest by customers with a score of 830 points. The iPad maker has performed well in all key indicators, except cost.

With a score of 822, Samsung was ranked second with above-average scores for cost, features and styling and design.