Apple is developing new versions of iPhone, iPad, and computers such as iMac and Macbook but also wrist-watch like devices. The maker of iOS is currently improving many aspects of their mobile devices including the camera, Retina display, OS, and security strategies.

The watch-style product that Apple is now working on would be made of curved glass and will run the iOS platform, according to the New York Times which cited unnamed sources "familiar with the company's explorations."

Richard Nunn, a digital media analyst at stockbrokers Charles Stanley, said Apple creating a watch is no longer a surprise. "A so-called iWatch would not be a radical departure from Apple's core technologies. It could include GPS, music, mobile and payment functions which Apple has already developed."

Foxconn is in talks as the major manufacturing partner by Apple in producing the watch-style devices. The Taiwan-based company has been working on with several technologies which can be worn by users.

This move from Apple is an expectation that iOS will go beyond smartphones and tablet which is battling strong competition from rival Samsung.

It is not only Apple working on new devices but also Google which is developing the Google Glass that emulate a single eyeglass with capabilities to send email, messages, music, and more. This kind of technology goes back to the 1990s has was seen in Dragon Ball Z from a Saiyan Prince named Vegeta.