It seems like Apple's legal troubles are far from being resolved. Apple is now being sued by Taiwan's Via Technologies Inc. for patent infringement.

Via, a semiconductor maker based in Taiwan, is suing Apple for using microprocessors in Apple's iOS that "generally provides efficient loading of data in the microprocessors and efficient conversion and transfers of data in the microprocessors"

"The products at issue generally concern microprocessors included in a variety of electronic products such as certain smartphones, tablet computers, portable media players and other computing devices," Via said in the complaint.

The three patents involved in the suit are 6,253,312, "Method and apparatus for double operand load", 6,754,810 a continuation of the previous patent and 6,253,311, "Instruction set for bi-directional conversion and transfer of integer and floating point data".

The complaint was filed yesterday in Wilmington, Delaware with two subsidiaries of Via Technologies as the co-plaintiffs. The Apple products named in the suit are the iPad and iPad 2, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4 CDMA, the fourth generation iPod touch and the second- generation Apple TV. Via is looking for the court to prohibit the tech giant form selling or manufacturing any of the devices in the U.S.

The suit also alleges that Apple's infringement was "willful" which means that should Via win the case any damages that the court might award will be triple in amount.

This isn't the first time that Apple is being sued for patent infringement. Apple is currently embroiled in a patent infringement war with Samsung with pending suits in different countries like the U.S., Korea and Japan. Apple is dominating the tablet markets and is currently the biggest tech company in value.

There has been no statement from Apple officials about the latest lawsuit.