Google has launched an application that lets people follow and track their New Year's Resolution through an online map and also lets them see what others around the world have promised in 2013. The California Internet giant's 2012 Zeitgeist Web site obtained half a million log entries and more than a third involved "to love" or "be loved" entries. The entries are divided into several categories including love, health, finance, career, education and family.

This is Google, and so Android should be active on such aim to keep personal resolutions for 2013. Several productivity apps are already free for downloads but rarely followed by users themselves. Here are some applications* that could help track New Year's resolution for 2013.

1. Set Goal New Year's Resolution by

It is straight-to-the-point on tracking a goal or intention to achieve a better life in the near future. The app offers expert tips and advices, quotes for inspiration, guide how to set or achieve goal in work, and goal setting for kids too. It gives guidance for no cost at all, yet.

2. Noom Weight Loss Coach by Noom Inc.

Of course another year has welcomed us and losing weight is needed after all those parties and celebrations filled with calories. This app from Noom Inc is designed as an intelligent weight loss coach. The coach gives daily tasks, guided science-backed weight loss plan, fun challenges, and daily Noom score to keep you on track. It is highly interactive, informative, and programmable.

3. Lose It by FitNow Inc.

This app will back up that intention of losing weight by tracking calorie intake this year which helps prevent overeating. The app has a comprehensive database of foods and activities with options to add new foods and exercises, recipe setup for more complicated foods, logs for meals, nutrients tracker, and barcode scanner to log packaged foods.

4. wikiHow - The how to manual by wikiHow

wikiHow has more than 120,000 articles that will help answer questions regarding How to instructions. Questions like how to tie a tie, how to get six pack abs, how to know if a guy likes you and how to delete a Facebook account are answered by this app. Of course, there are several how tos on keeping your New Year's resolutions in different areas of your life.

5. QuitNow by Fewlaps

Smoking is dangerous and can kill, according to warnings in most cigarette packs, but do you know how much money you spend buying this toxic vice? QuitNow offers real-time status to cope with anxiety for need to smoke. It has time-based status, cigarettes avoided count, and saved money and time scoring. The app will provide World Health Organisation-based indicators on health improvement, achievement list, and social sharing to let your friends know your progress and chat with other quitters too.

6. Pageonce - Money & Bills by Pageonce

Haven't saved anything for several decades? Start in 2013. Pageonce is a track and bill payment app that gives detailed information on bills, bank account balances and credit cards. It has real-time alerts of any upcoming bill that are due, overdue charges and suspicious transactions. The app also tracks down billers such as GE, Sears, Verizon, Best Buy, Dish Network, T-Mobile, and many more of any accounts you may have with them, plus the convenience to pay them online via Pageonce.

With or without apps to help them, people would always make and break New Year's resolutions, except for the steel-willed ones who will do anything to be faithful to their self-promises.

*All the apps are listed in Google Play.