The celestial events in April includes total eclipse of moon and sun, a meteor shower and positive opportunity to see Vesta and Ceres. Ceres and Vesta are two of the biggest space rocks present in main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Here are some of the most important celestial events of April:

The Sun and The Moon eclipses: In a rare celestial occasion, two eclipses will be visilble on April 15. The earth's shadow will overshadow the moon in a total lunar eclipse and this spectacular sight wll be visible to people all across North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the Pacific region.

The total lunar eclipse will be visible from 3:07 a.m. until 4:25 a.m. EDT (0707-0825 GMT). The solar eclipse will take place two weeks after the Lunar eclipse and unfortunately, it will be visible to a few people only. On April 29, an annular, also called ring of fire, will be visible, which people based in Antarctica can only see.

However, countries situated in Southern hemisphere will be able to get a partial glimpse of the ring of fire.

"Skywatchers in Australia and southern Indonesia will see a partial solar eclipse," narrator Nancy Calo said in an April skywatching video guide released by the Hubble Space Telescope science team, as reported by

Meteor Shower: In addition to the two eclipses, Lyrid meteor shower is also the most talked about upcoming celestial event. The comet Thatcher will shed fragments, which would be cultivated by the earth resulting in beautiful shower.

"The Lyrid meteor shower will be best seen in the early morning hours of April 22. Expect to see up to 20 bright meteors per hour after midnight," Calo said, as quoted the website.

Mars comes close to earth: Mars will be coming more closer to the earth this year. On April 14 Mars will be be 57 million miles (92 million kilometers) away from the earth, which is called the milestone in the history of planetary movements.