Wondering what tricks to play on your mates on April Fool’s day? Now stop wondering as we provide you some pranks to choose from in making your day on April Fool’s day.

First compiled by South Wales Evening Post, these tricks however are suggested to be done before lunchtime saying it might bring you bad luck.

These tricks could also be more effective and more creative with some props to go with - - therefore you have just few hours to hit the store and get what you need for a day of fun.

1. ‘The mouse trick’'

This can work to anyone in the office setting. You can stick a post-it note under your colleague’s mouse to cover the mouse ball. This way, the mouse will not work and your colleague, especially your least like one, will spend the day wondering what happened to his mouse and tapped on his keyboard incessantly. Just make sure you target just colleagues and not the boss, said SW Post.

2. ‘Screenshot desktop’'

Here’s another one for the office. Get to the office ahead of your unsuspecting victim and take a screenshot of his desktop. But be sure to set the desktop icons in ‘hidden mode’ before you use the newly-saved screenshot as his desktop background. It will probably take a few minutes before your colleague realize that he was made on April Fool’s day.

3. ‘Drawer swap’

This one can work for offices with drawers that can readily be removed as others have those screws holding them together, said SW Post. But if office drawers can be easily removed then you can try switching drawers for a number of colleagues, preferably those who do not know one another to keep them longer time until they figure out the owner of the stuff that greeted him. And make sure not to try this next year and allow them time to forget the trick before you use them again and make sure you come when no one else has punched in for the day.

4. ‘Unleaded pencil’

For women who loves their fingers well-manicured, save some of your colorless nail polish for your colleague’s pencil. To do this more effectively, try to be the last person to leave the office the day before April Fool’s day, then take all their pencils with you, bring them home but make sure you label each to confuse which ones is owned by X and which one is owned by Y. As soon as you get home, polish the tips of the pencils with clear nail polish so none of them work when you returned them as soon as you get in ahead of everyone and had put every pencil back to their places. [You can also just go to work ahead of time and paint the colorless nail polish to the tips of the pencils before everyone got in - - it’s up to you].

5. ‘Frozen cereal’

This one you can try with your brother or sister, your spouse and even your parents. After hitting the store with their favorite cereal - - if the family has consumed the last of the cereal - - put some water in the bowl and place it in the freezer before hitting the bed the night before. In the morning, get up ahead of everyone and be the first person in the kitchen as if you wanted to start the day right and prepare breakfast for everyone. Using the same bowl you put in the fridge, put some of their favorite cereal over the top of the frozen water and serve. Make sure there’s spoon to go with it to stop them from getting up from the chair giving them more chances to find out the pranks before they are made.

6. ‘Sugar and salt’'

This is a piece of cake and has always worked. You know the trick. Replace one with the other, switching the salt and sugar at home [or even at work] and keep your eyes open as your mates take the first sip of their very salty coffee or tea and sweet-sugary eggs. Always works.

7. ‘Rude awakening'

You definitely need two alarm clocks for this one - - especially for those whose mates depend on the thing to start their day. Set your chosen alarm clock to 2.a.m. or 3a.m., then hide it under the bed [or near it] of your innocent victim. You hit two birds in one stone with this one because your victim will not only get up ‘dazed and confused’, it will be daylight before he could find the source of the unwelcome and very annoying alarm.

8. 'Mystery voices'

Want to see if they would get scared as they hear mystery voices? This one may be a little difficult to pull off for choosing the topic the voices talk about may be a little tricky. But it would still be fun to see how one reacts if he hears voices. Turn on a small radio before hiding it in a strategic place no one would suspect to look. Best advice is the ceiling but be careful putting it in the ceiling. Make sure to set the volume low and very softly. You want your victim to think he is hearing voices [see if he admits to it or pretend not to] or that someone is trapped in the ceiling.

9. 'Motor madness'
Turn every setting to the maximum in your target victim’s car - - the heat, the radio, the wipers, the seats, etc. Then watch as the victim get confused and search for controls of the functions to get everything back to normal.

10. ‘A car crash that never was’

To do this easy trick for anyone of your choice, just simply leave a note on his car, saying you’re sorry for bumping into his car [that never really happened]. Then gloat as you watch your unsuspecting victim fell on your trick and scramble around his car looking for dents and scratches.

With the above ten tricks, it is not too late to have fun this April Fool's day. And If you really want to have a blast with it, do this with a video rolling and give your victims copy of the pranks to remind them that 'once they had been punked on April Fool's day'.