An Anti-Government Demonstrator Dressed As Batman Yells Slogans Accompanied By Passengers On A Bus.
An anti-government demonstrator dressed as Batman yells slogans accompanied by passengers on a bus, during a protest against the 2014 World Cup in Rio de Janeiro June 12, 2014. Placard reads "We want to be the champions in healthcare, education and not just in football." Reuters/Pilar Olivares

While it's still uncertain if Aquaman will appear in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," a report claimed Warner Bros. is already planning an Aquaman solo movie. Two scripts are even said to already be in the works for the said film.

According to Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros. has hired screenwriters Will Beall and Kurt Johnstad to each write a script for the "Aquaman" solo movie. The company will then choose the better script to produce.

Called "dual tracks" the site claims the practice is not uncommon. This type of development reportedly helps a movie get its release date already scheduled even if it's still being produced. Additionally, the site claims this practice would also help Warner Bros. add in titles to its lineup of DC movies from 2016 until 2020.

Warner Bros. have reportedly scheduled nine movies. Although it's still uncertain when "Aquaman" is scheduled for release, the site hinted the date could fall somewhere in 2016 and 2017. The first release date for the DC movie lineup is said to be on Aug. 5, 2016. Then, two more have been scheduled for 2017, one on June 23 and the other on Nov. 17.

Hollywood Reporter claims the two writers taking a shot at the best script for the "Aquaman" solo movie are no strangers to Warner Bros. Each has contributed to the success of some of the movies produced by the company.

Will Beall penned "Gangster Squad." He also wrote his treatment for "Justice League" prior to the movie landing a spot on the DC movie lineup. Beall also wrote for TV shows such as some episodes for "Castle."

Kurt Johnstad, on the other hand, is believed to be Zack Snyder's favoured scriptwriter. He wrote the movie adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novels, "300" and its sequel "300: Rise of an Empire." Badassdigest adds he also wrote "Act of Valor."

Aquaman is still rumoured to make an appearance in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." However, Zack Snyder reportedly hinted that he may be in the "Man of Steel" sequel when he defended the character's powers on a radio show.

As previously reported by International Business Times, the director heard a discussion on Aquaman's powers on Detroit's 97.1 radio show. He thought the hosts were being too hard on the character. Zack reportedly called and defended Aquaman's capabilities, calling him as "super strong." According to the director, Aquaman can defeat Superman with his trident. The weapon is said to be so powerful that it can cut through Superman's flesh.

According to the site, Snyder reportedly hinted of the character's involvement in "Batman v Superman." "It's not to say that he's in the movie or anything like that. But he has the potential to be bad ass," he said.

Jason Momoa has been rumoured to play the role of Aquaman. However, Badassdigest confirmed that he will definitely take on the lead only that Warner. Bros. has been keeping it a secret.

Hollywood Reporter claims Warner Bros. has not commented on the rumoured two scriptwriters hired to pen the "Aquaman" solo movie.

Source: YouTube/VariantComics