Ariana Grande has been subject to "Belieber" hate since the photo of her and Justin Bieber "kissing" hit the web. The "Sam & Cat" star reveals the truth behind the photo to get her slate clean once and for all. "Arianators" and "Beliebers" better read all about it here.

A few weeks ago, Ariana Grande shared a photo of her with Justin Bieber. While some may pass it off as another cute photo, some "Beliebers" were enraged. What exactly was in the photo? Well, it was just Ariana Grande getting kissed on the cheek by the one and only Justin Bieber.

The photo wasn't even planned to begin with nor was it supposed to be shared, recounted Grande in an interview with MTV All Access.

"I went to meet and greet with my grandparents, because my nonna has a massive crush on Justin Bieber, so I went and our fans ... I think they trended #JustinandArianaSelfie or something like that. So I was like, 'We have to do this,' and Justin was like, 'Yeah, let's take a picture,'" recounted Grande, adding, "So, I took my phone and I went like this [gestures selfie] and I was just smiling, and he kissed me on the cheek. I didn't know what to do. I just walked out of the room. I got shy."

The photo would have not been posted if not for Scooter Braun urging Grande to tweet it.

"Then Scooter came after me and was like, 'Justin says you have to post that picture.' I was like, 'I will not.' And he was like, 'He says you have to post that picture.' And I said, 'I can't,' and he asked why not and I was like 'because I don't want the drama that's going to come with it.'"

Of course, the ultimate pressure came in the form of Justin Bieber tweeting all about it.

"Then, Justin tweeted me, 'Post that pic.' So, I just did it, but everyone was like, 'Oh my gosh a kiss on the cheek. I'm like, can you not?' Come on!" exclaimed Grande.

If "Beliebers" have anyone to blame for the photo posted by Grande, it should be none other than their idol Justin Bieber.