Ariana Grande might have experienced a tumultuous relationship with Jai Brooks of "The Janoskians" with the distance partly to blame. Yet, the distance doesn't appear to be the issue with Ariana's latest love, Nathan Sykes. Despite having careers in the music biz which require them to spend time apart, Grande claims it "hasn't taken a toll" and with regards to Sykes, the "connection" is different.

The "Nariana" couple don't need to convince everybody that their love is genuine. Thanks to their PDA-filled dates and countless interviews of them gushing about each other, it's obvious they've been hit by the love bug. So, how then do they manage to keep the love alive even with their immersive schedules consisting of interviews, shoots, tours and fan meets?

"We never have to go that long without seeing each other, actually. It's amazing. It's very convenient. We have the same management so it's easy to look at each other's schedules and pick out a certain time. But we're not separated for more than a week at a time, usually," stated Grande in an interview with Sugarscape, adding, "But it doesn't even matter. It's just such a happy thing. The distance doesn't really take a toll when you're that happy."

While some fans of Ariana Grande are still hung over her past romance with Jai Brooks, Grande claims the connection with her current beau, Nathan Sykes, is different - in a great way.

"It's fun. It's nice to be with a musician, I've never had that connection with somebody before," stated Grande to Cambio.

Their "connection" is fairly obvious to anyone who watches the couple perform their iconic hit, "Almost is Never Enough" on stage.

"It's comforting to have him on stage with me. I never know what he's going to do vocally, though. He always comes out and does all these surprise runs that I've never heard before, so I'm just nervous that I'm going to mess up a harmony or something because I'll be blown off track by the run that surprised me," stated Grande, adding, "[His voice] is amazing, he's a gift...I love singing with him."