In preparation for Queensland Ride Relief Monday, the most popular American cycling icon, Lance Armstrong tweeted the event on his account, but he got the media's attention as he misspelled the flood capital's name.

"Brisbaine, (sic) here we come," the American wrote according to NineMSN, adding that the controversial cyclist corrected himself after realizing his mistake.

"Oops I spelled `Brisvegas' wrong," he later Tweeted, added NineMSN. Armstong later explained that the misspelled name resulted from lack of sleep. The US cycling hero went straight to Brisbane from Adelaide Sunday, where he raced in the Tour Down Under, ending in 67th place.

Armstrong leads the ride from Brisbane's RNA Showgrounds at 10.30am (AEST) and is joined by fellow cyclist Robbie McEwen, a Brisbane local. The 25-km ride was organized in hopes to raise funds for Queensland's flood relief effort.

NineMSN noted however, that the Australians will ignore the city's mispelled name since the American cycling hero's participation in the relief ride is expected to raise as much as $500,000.