'Arrow' Season 5 spoilers: Human Target to assist Oliver; Plot to focus on legacy

A new comic book character will be joining “Arrow” Season 5. The Human Target will be assisting Mayor Oliver. Meanwhile, Executive Producer Wendy Mericle teased some details about what to expect in the next season.
[Spoiler alert]
The producers are looking to cast Wil Traval to play the role of DC Comics character Human Target, TV Line reports. The actor has been a part of many popular TV shows that include “Jessica Jones,” “Once Upon A Time,” “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” “Red Window” and “Dexter.”
The Human Target, also known as Christopher Chance, is a professional bodyguard and a master of disguise. In his line of work he assumes the identity of a person who is targeted by assassins. His new client will be Oliver (Stephen Amell).
Oliver was appointed as the Mayor again towards the end of the previous season. With the rise of the Mob as the new villains in Star City, the Mayor will be in need of protection in “Arrow” Season 5. The Human Target is only expected to appear in episode 5 and this is not a recurring role at the moment.
Meanwhile, Mericle told Collider that the main theme of the next season is going to be legacy. Oliver is going to look back at the four years he has been fighting in Star City and wonder whether he has succeeded in making the city better. He has to figure out what will be his legacy.
Emotionally, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) will be having the most challenging time in the next season, Mericle revealed. She will have to come to terms with the deaths at Havenrock.
The superhero team will be expanded in “Arrow” Season 5. Felicity has apparently been tracking all the new vigilantes in the city. Oliver will have to train the new recruits and mold them into superheroes.