In spite of being given limited chances by Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger, so far, winger Ryo Miyaichi is keeping the faith and instead tries to focus on the things that will improve his game.

"I do try my best not to miss a single word the coach says," Miyaichi told

"I'm always thinking towards how to improve, how I can learn from him and really just trying to enjoy every single moment."

Miyaichi has made cameo appearances both in the Premier League and the UEFA Champions League this season and will look to find ways to obtain the manager's confidence.

"Having been given a few chances this season it's been a great experience. With the team in really good form there's also a great atmosphere in training, in which I have a lot to gain, so I'm really enjoying every single day."

Several wingers in the Arsenal camp have sustained injuries, which gives Miyaichi something to capitalise on.

"With so many injuries swinging my way in the last few months, I shall be trying to grab those chances. But really, as I said before, it's just about doing all that I can through daily practice and focusing on the day-to-day training.

"I need to improve my strengths through daily training and really focusing on getting all the little movements and actions correct in the way I play."