Mud holes along the Sydney – Melbourne rail track are seen as an effect of the recent re-sleeping project of the government-owned Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC).

Rail, Bus and Tram Union spokesman Bob Hayward claims the project is “a massive misuse of taxpayers' money” because it has caused the mud holes. Under the re-sleepering project that began in August, wooden rail sleepers were replaced with concrete ones.

Hayward insisted, “It was supposed to decrease transit times to make rail more efficient. And it's done the opposite, the total opposite.”

Australian Rail Track Corporation and Austrak Pty Limited began work on the resleepering projects that form part of the equity investment announced by the Australian government in the May Budget. Both parties agreed for Austrak to produce 500,000 brand new pre-stressed concrete sleepers for ARTC track upgrades.

The $50 million agreement was supposed to strengthen the train line between Broken Hill and Parkes in order to increase train capacity and reduce travel time.

ARTC chief David Marchant said the train tracks “aren't the worst it's ever been, but they are worse this year than for a number of years and we are addressing that and we are addressing it quickly.” Marchant, however, refuted the union's claim about the resleepers causing the mud holes.

The ARTC chief said the mud holes were made worse by recent rains.