Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have consistently maintained some distance from the media and public eye when it comes to their daughter Wyatt. Despite being famous celebrities, they have been extremely guarded about their private lives, much to the disappointment of journalists and fans alike. However, Kutcher surprised everybody when he posted a photo on Instagram of a baby with a partly visible face pointing at the sky. This raised speculations that he has finally allowed the world to have a glimpse of his baby girl.


39 million people have fallen through the cracks into modern day slavery. #redsandproject

A photo posted by Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk) on

The baby in the photo appears to be of the same age as that of baby Wyatt. According to Entertainment Tonight (ET), the background of the image is that of Lake Hollywood where the “Punk’d” creator has a home. Kutcher captioned the photo: “39 million people have fallen through the cracks into modern day slavery. #redsandproject” and it has already received more than 27,000 likes.

However, there is no way to confirm if the kid on the photo is really the 37-year-old actor’s daughter. This is not the first time Ashton has posted baby pictures on his social media account. In fact, when Kunis gave birth to Wyatt Isabelle in October 2014, Kutcher posted photographs of six babies but didn’t once clarify if any of them was of Wyatt. Fans and followers were puzzled and wondered if this was some sort of game Kutcher is playing or whether he is simply fond of posting baby photographs.

But Kutcher is serious about keeping Wyatt away from the limelight. He has lashed out at the media for not honouring the privacy of his daughter with this tweet.

Even if the kid on the Instagram photo has gotten loads of attention and speculations, Kutcher is actually focusing on the sidewalk with bright red dust marking the cracks in support of the Red Sand Project. The project is an activist artwork that urges people to raise their awareness and voice against human trafficking by pouring red sand on sidewalk cracks and sharing the photos with the hashtag #RedSandProject.

Below are some of the comments that were left on Ashton Kutcher's Instagram photo.

"Thanks for using your celebrity status to bring awareness to such a great project, regardless of whose child is in this picture. #getagrippeople #focusonthecause," kristingriffisartist wrote on the comments section.

"My baby was born the same week as his daughter- she stands just like that. She's beautiful!" melmaylang posted.

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