Could Ashton Kutcher be delving on to a different career as an Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fighter? It is very unlikely. With the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) increasingly becoming a popular sport, Ashton is just one of the many celebrities who train in the martial arts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

It was in 2011 that Ashton has reportedly started training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu after a photo of him with practitioner Ricardo De La Riva surfaced on the Internet.

TMZ reported that Ashton has just received a two-stripe blue belt on Wednesday evening in Beverly Hills, California. According to the popular gossip entertainment Web site, the "Two and a Half Men" star has been training with Rigan Machado, a former Jiu-Jitsu champion who has an 8th degree red and black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Blue Belt is the second belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The stripe on the belt only represents the skill level of the person who practices the sport.

Below is a list of other famous individuals who have trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu:

Joe Rogan - UFC commentator (black belt under Eddie Bravo and Jean Jacques Machado)

CM Punk - World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) superstar (training under Rener Gracie)

Batista - WWE wrestler (purple belt under Cesar Gracie)

Mel Gibson - American actor (trained under Rorion Gracie)

Chuck Norris - American actor

Paul Walker - late American actor (brown belt but promoted to black belt after his death by instructor Ricardo Miller.

Nicolas Cage - American actor (training under Royce Gracie)

Michael Clarke Duncan - American actor (purple belt and currently training at Gracie Academy)

Guy Ritchie - Film director (brown belt under Renzo Gracie)

It is interesting to find out about celebrities and even other famous people practicing some form of martial arts. Could the popularity of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu driving these celebrities to train or is it the other way around?