Ubisoft Motion Pictures is now producing the upcoming theatrical film of Assassin's Creed based on the popular video game of the same title. Michael Fassbender will both produce the film and star as Desmond Miles.

Prometheus and X-Men: First Class star Michael Fasbender will star on the upcoming Assassin's Creed film, expected to be released on May 22, 2015, according to Box Office Mojo. He is rumoured to play Desmond Miles, said IMDB.

Desmond Miles is the lead character in the game and torn between two factions, the Knights Templar and the Assassins, over an artifact called Piece of Eden. Fassbender's lead character portrayal has neither been confirmed nor denied.

The film development began in May 2011 and a 3D version release has been already confirmed. Sony Entertainment and Ubisoft are in negotiation to distribute the film. According to Hollywood Insiders, Ubisoft has the final say regarding budget, principal cast, script, release date and other issues.

Hollywood insiders also considered that Sony Entertainment have killed the production and gamers gave benefits to the future of the game franchise due to poor quality of recent game adaptations.

"Reflect the brands accurately and consolidate our fan base," said Senior Vice President of International Marketing, Jean de Rivieres, quoted by Assassin's Creed Wikia.

A few months later, Michael Fassbender signed to produce and star in the film on October 22, 2012, and Ubisoft Motion Pictures is the chosen one to develop the film, in collaboration with New Regency. The screenplay started immediately and in fast track, while allowing Ubisoft to control key elements on creative direction.

Another change was also made and Sony Entertainment will not be the distributor, but Ubisoft instead gave the rights to 20th Century Fox for unknown reason.

The film is co-produced by DMC Film, New Regency Pictures and Ubisoft Entertainment. Michael Lesslie has been hired to pen the movie.