Chi-X Global Inc. is preparing a unique trading platform that could provide the fast and efficient platform beneficial to Australian and foreign investors keen on participating in the market action worldwide.

Reports said that Chi-X is still awaiting the official word from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission with regards to the official timetable for the entry of competitors that can rival the ASX.

According to Bloomberg and the Australian Financial Review, Chi-X could start operating either in March or May 2011.

Chi-X won the preliminary approval to compete against Australian stock exchange operator ASX Ltd.

Chi-X Global Inc. is a global provider of market infrastructure technologies and trading venues that aims to provide investors around the world with the most efficient markets possible through its high-speed, low-cost, intelligent trading model.

Chi-X Global believes that truly competitive, technology-driven markets benefit all participants in the trading process - investors, brokers and the primary exchanges - by making the market more attractive to the global trading community, which ultimately helps to increase overall market volumes and improve investor performance.

Chi-X Global is a subsidiary of electronic trading pioneer Instinet Incorporated, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nomura Holdings, Inc.

Chi-X Global operates Chi-X Canada, Chi-X Japan and the Chi-Tech technology product and services unit. Chi-X Europe is owned by a consortium of financial institutions and is operated independently. Chi- X Global's parent company, Instinet, is Chi-X Europe's largest and founding shareholder.