Australia is the top place to be a teenager, according to a study by the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the International Youth Foundation. The two organisations drew a Global Youth Wellbeing Index that it released this week.

It covered 30 nations and used various indicators such as economic opportunity for young people, access to education, health, information, communications and safety and security.

Rounding up the top 10 are

1. Australia

2. Sweden

3. South Korea

4. United Kingdom

5. Germany

6. United States

7. Japan

8. Spain

9. Saudi Arabia

10. Thailand.

On the opposite end, the worst countries to be a teenager are India, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Nigeria.

In making the study, the two organisations noted that "one of the most pressing challenges" facing the world is to ensure young people have the tools and resources needed to thrive. "Yet we simply do not have enough information about this transformative generation to do so effectively."

Based on the index scores, the study found that 85 per cent of youth in the 30 nations covered have lower median and low youth wellbeing. Only 15 per cent reside in countries within the upper ranks. It also noted the lack of support by an enabling environment.

In stressing the role of the youth in national and international affairs, the study pointed out that the world benefits from a growing group of young people who overcame barriers and made major contributions to their communities and the world. It cited Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg who changed the face of networks and connectivity and Pakistani teen Malala Yousafzai who fought for youth education.