Western Australia's population is almost 2.5 million people as Aussies flock in significant numbers to this state. In the past 12 months to the end of September, almost 82,000 people were added to the headcount in WA, equivalent to a 3.4 per cent population growth rate.

Of the new moved-ins, 59 per cent came from other Australian states and 46 per cent from other countries.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, it is the highest yearly growth in WA's headcount since the early 1970s, mainly fueled by the state's mining boom.

By suburb or town, the most popular destination in WA for both local and international migrants is Peppermint Grove. Other popular areas are Nedlands, Cottesloe and Cambridge.

On the opposite end, regions considered as unattractive areas are Halls Creek, Ngaanyatjarraku, Menzies, Upper Gascoyne and Derby West Kimberley.

After WA, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory also logged significant population gains by 2 per cent, while Tasmania had a population growth rate of less than 1 per cent.