Australian cinema-goers pay more for their Harry Potter experience than anyone else in the Western world, according to consumer group Choice, which branded Choice.

A recent review of movie prices showed Australians pay more to go to the movies than cinema-goers in the United States and New Zealand.
At $18.00 per adult ticket and $15.50 for a concession, an Australian family comprising of two adults and two children can spend up to $67.00 on tickets at popular megaplex-style cinemas.

At a similar cinema centre in New Zealand, a family of four spends $33AUD ($41.70 NZ) on tickets and in the US the same family outing costs $38.40AUD ($42.20 USD).

“Taking into account exchange rates, an Aussie family of four spends just over $34 more than a New Zealand family and $28 more than a US family on a trip to the flicks,” says Choice Spokesperson, Ingrid Just.
“Choosing when and where you go to see the latest Harry Potter film can make a big difference – look out for the cheap Tuesday deals or hunt down the nearest independent cinema to save some money.”

The Choice review into movie prices also compares the cost of snack bar items with their supermarket bought equivalents. A price differential of more than 50 per cent was found on some snacks.

“Unless the cinema sells a particular choc-top ice cream you just can’t see a movie without, save some money and pack your own munchies,” says Ms. Just.

More confusingly, the receipts at one of the snack bars Chocice visited was not itemised, nor were the prices of the snacks behind the counter marked.

“A night out at the cinema is expensive enough but without snack bar prices or receipts, movie-goers are left in the dark - you can’t even check to see if you have been overcharged,” says Ms Just.

See Tips to Saving Big Bucks on Your Next Trip to Movies