Australia is looking to strengthen collaboration with food and food-processing companies in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. This was announced by Michael Carter, trade commissioner, Australian Trade Commission in India, on Friday. Carter was speaking at the 3-day 10th Indian Food Processing and Food Technology Fair, 'Foodpro 2013' in the state capital, Chennai.

Carter said that Australia is keen on making the Tamil Nadu coast a hub for lobsters and yellow-fin tuna. "We already had discussion with the state government," he said.

Speaking at the event, Carter said that Australia has a strategic plan for direct collaboration with Tamil Nadu. He said Australia's expertise in food processing and related technologies could help build India's capability in the sector.

This would be particularly relevant for fishing, aquaculture, dairy farming and horticulture sectors in the state.

Speaking at the expo, state agriculture secretary and agricultural production commissioner, Sandeep Saxena, said the state government is looking at ways to make farmers stakeholders in the food processing industry.

He said this effort would help the government to ensure inclusiveness in the sector.

The state will be setting up the corridors in Madurai-Thoothkudi belt, Coimbatore-Dindugal belt and Kanchipuram-Villupuram belt. The 3-day event is organised by the key industry body in India, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Besides an exhibition, the event also comprises a conference.

This year's event focused on the current trends in the food processing industry.

It was attended by over 150 exhibitors with companies showcasing innovation through state-of-the-art machinery and technology in food processing, refrigeration and cold chain equipment, processed and packaged foods and dairy equipment, among other things. The event was also a venue to explore new business opportunities as well as create and develop networks in the food and related sectors. A conference on 'Technologies for value-added food product development' was held on the side-lines of the event on Saturday.