Australia' total number of dwellings approved jumped 9.3 per cent in October 2010, after falling for six consecutive months in seasonally adjusted terms, Building Approvals data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed today.

According to the ABS, New South Wales (14.0 per cent), Victoria (4.6 per cent), South Australia (6.1 per cent) and Western Australia (2.3 per cent) recorded more dwelling approvals this month while Queensland reported fewer dwelling approvals (-0.7 per cent) in seasonally adjusted terms.

Private sector houses approved rose 1.5 per cent with rises in New South Wales (3.5 per cent), Victoria (3.1 per cent) and Western Australia (2.4 per cent), ABS said. Meanwhile, Queensland (-8.1 per cent) and South Australia (-2.1 per cent) fell.

The value of total building approved climbed 4.1 per cent in October in seasonally adjusted terms. The value of total residential building rose by 8.2 per cent, while non-residential building fell by -3.8 per cent