So you are a tourist who has an iPhone that is most probably equipped with Apple Maps. And then you got lost somewhere in Australia. Of course your first recourse would be to locate your whereabouts in the resource-rich nation through Apple Maps. But Australian police warned better notdepend on Apple's new iPhone mapping system or risk experiencing the same fate of motorists who got lost after relying on the glitch-filled app.

Law enforcement authorities in the state of Victoria have reported that a number of tourists as well as motorists have gotten lost in just over the past month trying to rely on the iOS 6 maps.

The tourists were supposedly looking for the town of Mildura in the Victorian state. Accessing into Apple Maps instead pointed and got them towards a wilderness area and under the scorching heat of 46 degrees. This area is 70 kilometres away to a national park.

"Police are extremely concerned, as there is no water supply within the park ... making this a potentially life-threatening issue," a Victoria Police spokeswoman said in a statement.

"Some of the motorists located by police have been stranded for up to 24 hours without food or water and have walked long distances through dangerous terrain to get phone reception."

Police said that checks on the Apple Maps mapping system confirmed Mildura has been placed as being in the middle of the park.

"Anyone travelling to Mildura or other locations within Victoria should rely on other forms of mapping until this matter is rectified."

The Mildura town local police further said they have notified Apple of the matter and hope the issue will be corrected and resolved immediately to avoid any repetitions of being lost in the middle of the wilderness of the Murray Sunset National Park.